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It's Viral Season! Here's How To Boost Your Immunity

A robust immune system is of great importance if you have to avoid falling sick frequently. But is it possible to strengthen your immune system? You need an effective immune system for protecting yourself from invaders like pathogenic microbes. Sometimes, your immune system fails to protect you and you get infected by a virus and fall sick. There are several ways to boost your immunity. You can try lifestyle changes like incorporating a healthy diet, or consume plant-based supplements, indulging in regular exercise, etc for a good immunological response.

Though vaccines are another way of guarding against viruses, they do not fully prevent you from falling sick. It is observed that some people still have symptoms of cold and flu during the cold season. The best way to avoid getting infected is to make your immune system strong. It could either be by making lifestyle changes, or by keeping away from infected people, avoiding crowds and places with poor ventilation.

Some of the best ways to boost your immunity are discussed in this article.

Best Ways to Boost Your Immunity

The best way to effective bodily functions including the functionality of your immune system is to shield them against environmental hazards and incorporate healthy strategies. Some of the healthy strategies that can boost your immunity are

#1. Eliminate Processed Foods From Your Diet

Your general health will improve and you'll be more resistant to the flu and other viral infections throughout the year if you consume foods strong in antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables. Nutrient-rich foods including sweet potatoes, berries, salmon, and green leafy vegetables have anti-inflammatory characteristics that boost your immunity. It is suggested to avoid processed foods, gluten and sugar as they weaken the immune system. A smoothie made of berries, chia seeds, plant-based protein powder and ample healthy fats like almond, avocado, coconut milk etc is a good addition to your diet and helps improve your immune response. Including bone broth is another healthy way for additional nutrition and immune support.

#2. Enhance Gut Health

Not only do the gut microbiomes aid in digestion, but they also play a role in controlling your immune system, appetite, metabolism, as well as weight. Since 70% of your immune system is located there, gut health plays an important role in boosting your immunity. Probiotics help in enhancing gut health. Probiotics are "good" bacteria that assist in reducing inflammation and preventing infection. They may also lessen the intensity of a cold or the flu. Furthermore, fermented foods, such as unpasteurized sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir enhance bacterial health. Enhancing gut health is crucial if you have to boost your immunity and stay away from illness.

#3. Indulge in Exercise And Also Get Restful Sleep

Any form of exercise at least for 30 minutes daily is essential to boost your immunity. A night of restful sleep is equally important. Your sleep hours should not be compromised to fit in your exercise. You should tactfully try to plan your schedule to fit in both exercise and the 7 to 8 hours of sleep as both are required for a robust immune system and keep you away from any kind of sickness. If you are healthy enough, engaging in exercise will be highly beneficial and boost your immune system. A 20-minute power nap can do wonders if you are not able to get 7 to 8 hours of blissful sleep.

#4. Use a Natural Hand Sanitizer Regularly

Studies have demonstrated that triclosan present in numerous household items including hand sanitisers can affect hormones in animals. The FDA has not formally forbidden triclosan present from being used in products but is investigating any potential risks that it poses to human health. The traditional way of cleansing your hand with soap and water is more beneficial. Lavender oil that prevents drying and cracking of skin during harsh weather is a good substitute for hand sanitisers.

#5. Maintain Proper Hygiene

Keep your surroundings and the surfaces you normally access like computers, mobile phones, and desks clean. Touching contaminated surfaces and then placing your hand on your eyes and mouth is the simplest way of getting infected with viruses. Use a cleanser with tea tree oil as it contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial characteristics that can treat acne, nail fungus and psoriasis. If you are unable to find a cleanser with tea tree oil, make your own cleanser by adding drops of tea tree oil to a mixture containing distilled vinegar and water in equal amounts.

#6. Improve Air Circulation In Your Home

The air inside your home can be more contaminated than the outside air. It is essential to improve air circulation inside your home by keeping the windows open. Indoor plants are an excellent way to cleanse the air inside your home.

#7. Incorporate Zinc into your diet

Vitamin C with potent antioxidant and antibacterial properties helps in fighting infections and keeping sicknesses like flu and cold at bay. Besides Vitamin C, incorporating Zinc can be more effective in alleviating the symptoms of a cold. Colds can be reduced by a few days by taking zinc because it prevents the replication of cold cells.

#8. Keep Stress At Bay

Keeping your stress level low is the best way to boost your immunity. Long-term stress can disrupt immune cell activity and promote inflammation. Persisting psychological stress might impair immune systems, especially in children. Engaging in relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, etc., can help manage stress levels. Therapy sessions with a counsellor can also be beneficial in bringing down stress levels.


You may alter your diet and lifestyle in a number of ways right now to boost your immunity. Among them are cutting back on sugar, drinking plenty of water, exercising frequently, getting enough sleep, and controlling your stress levels. None of these recommendations can totally prevent viral infections, but they might strengthen your body's natural defences against hazardous microorganisms.


What are the factors that weaken your immune system?

Unhealthy eating habits, alcoholism, and smoking might impair your immune system. You will have to incorporate nutrient-dense foods in your diet and make some lifestyle changes to boost your immunity.

How to determine the health of your immune system?

The only way to determine the health of your immune system is by blood tests. Blood tests determine the level of blood cells and immune system cells and also ascertain the normal levels of the infection-fighting proteins i.e., immunoglobulins. Blood cell counts beyond the normal range can be a sign of an immune system problem

Does sleep quality impact the activity of the immune system?

Yes. Sleep impacts your immune system. Studies have shown that people who lack sleep are more prone to viral infections. The rate of recovery from any viral infection depends on your sleep quality.

What is the length of sleep required for a robust immune system?

The duration and quality of sleep determine the health of your immune system. To boost your immunity you need 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep.

What are the potential signs of a weak immune system?

The potential signs of a weak immune system are fatigue, increase in stress levels, digestive issues, wounds taking time to heal, being prone to viral infections and falling sick frequently.

Elizabeth Bangera

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