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Try This to Keep Your Brain Focused & Healthy

Ever heard the phrase ‘use it or lose it’? It’s an apt saying for your mind. If you don’t keep your brain active, you’ll suffer cognitive decline as you age. This can manifest as forgetfulness, poor judgement, slower grasping power, mood swings, and even depression.

But there are quick and easy tricks you can use daily to preserve your brain’s health. Read on to learn how to keep your brain healthy and active even as you age.

Ever heard the phrase ‘use it or lose it’? It’s an apt saying for your mind. If you don’t keep your brain active, you’ll suffer cognitive decline as you age. This can manifest as forgetfulness, poor judgement, slower grasping power, mood swings, and even depression.

But there are quick and easy tricks you can use daily to preserve your brain’s health. Read on to learn how to keep your brain healthy and active even as you age.

6 Ways To Keep Your Brain Healthy

Your brain is a powerhouse of functions, overseeing several bodily and mental mechanisms. That’s why you shouldn’t take your brain’s health lightly. Wondering how to keep your mind healthy? Here are some things you can do:

1) Exercise regularly

Exercising is great for your body and mind. Practising an exercise ritual for even 30 minutes daily offers numerous health benefits, like better mental health, weight loss, improved mood, and higher energy levels. Physical activity also increases blood flow and oxygen in the brain, which then stimulates the growth of new brain cells and neural pathways. Healthy brain cells keep neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, at bay (1). Additionally, the burst of endorphins released by the body when you exercise boosts concentration.

2) Snooze well

When it comes to your brain’s health, if you don’t snooze – you lose! Inadequate sleep can negatively affect cognitive performance, concentration, and productivity (2). The immediate effect of lack of sleep is grogginess, lethargy and brain fog. Repeatedly skimping on sleep can drastically affect your brain and cause decreased brain function, memory loss, and symptoms of anxiety and depression (3).

If you’re struggling to fall asleep, or unable to stay asleep all night, try a nature-based, non-addictive sleep supplement like Setu’s Sleep: Relax Gummies. These gummies contain melatonin, a hormone that helps your body sleep. The best part is that these gummies are delicious and super easy to consume, gently nudging you into a peaceful zzzs.

3) Socialise!

Being a social butterfly has its benefits, believe it or not! Human interaction is extremely powerful and has a positive impact on brain health. Interacting with other people elicits feelings of social inclusion and acceptance, improves memory formation, and prevents neurodegenerative diseases (4). People who actively engage in social interaction are less likely to develop dementia than people who are socially isolated (5). Low social support has been been linked to the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases, while also slowing down cancer recovery and wound healing.

So if you’re wondering how to keep your brain healthy, show up to that get-together you’ve been avoiding!

4) Enhance your gut health

Did you know that your brain and gut are closely related? Research has shown that your brain health affects your gut health tremendously. The brain and gut are entwined through your immune system and neurotransmitters.

Here’s a little-known fact: a large amount of your body’s serotonin or ‘happiness’ hormone is produced in the gut (6)! Studies have shown that the gut plays a role in regulating anxiety, mood, cognition and pain management. Scientists also believe that good gut health can boost motivation and cognitive function. (7).

To keep your gut healthy and happy, try out probiotic-rich supplements, like Setu’s Tummy: Probiotic. With over nine strains of probiotics (healthy gut bacteria), our supplement keeps the microflora in your gut diverse, boosting digestion, immunity, and overall health.

5) Take a brain-booster

If you’re still wondering how to keep a healthy mind, here’s another interesting tip: try a natural supplement that boosts brain performance. Setu’s Mind: Focus capsules are the perfect brain booster! This non-toxic, all-natural supplement improves focus, memory, alertness, and mental clarity. Each capsule contains holistic healing ingredients, such as brahmi, ashwagandha, ginkgo biloba, as well as the amino acid L-theanine, known to improve brain metabolism. Regular consumption builds brain strength and agility.

6) Check in with yourself

Research has found that mental illness is associated with changes in the brain structure. A Stanford University School of Medicine study found that people with certain psychiatric illnesses were also losing grey matter in the brain. Grey matter is important because it includes brain areas associated with sensory perception, muscle control, memory, and emotional regulation (8). This goes to show that mental health issues can significantly impact brain capacity and functioning.

So how do you improve your mental health? Simple practices like journaling, meditation, and spending time on self-care, can go a long way in keeping you in a positive state of mind. Stress is the biggest threat to your mental health, so keep your stress levels low. Engage in activities that help you unwind and destress at the end of each day.

So follow our tips on how to keep your brain healthy and take charge of your health today.


1) How to keep brain healthy with the help of food?

Good nutrition is necessary for a healthy body and brain. Making healthy changes to your diet, like avoiding junk food and adding more brain foods into your diet, can help you better your brain’s health. Foods, such as fatty fish, turmeric, dark chocolate, nuts, eggs, and green tea, are good for your brain, so eat them frequently.

2) Can meditation aid my brain health?

Meditation offers many benefits. Regular meditation improves memory, along with your brain’s ability to process information. It also increases mental flexibility by improving focus and attention, while engaging new neural pathways. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, meditating regularly can help manage your symptoms and improve sleep.

Elizabeth Bangera

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