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6 Soothing Ways to Relax Before Bedtime

Sleep – it’s the most vital part of our daily lives, and yet, so many of us struggle each night to get those zzzs!

Sleep is integral to the proper functioning of your brain and body, but with all the stressors of daily life, you may be finding it difficult to drift into that sweet slumber. Serious sleep disorders, like insomnia or sleep apnea, are far more common than you think – and they successfully prevent you from enjoying restful snoozes.

Sleep – it’s the most vital part of our daily lives, and yet, so many of us struggle each night to get those zzzs!

Sleep is integral to the proper functioning of your brain and body, but with all the stressors of daily life, you may be finding it difficult to drift into that sweet slumber. Serious sleep disorders, like insomnia or sleep apnea, are far more common than you think – and they successfully prevent you from enjoying restful snoozes.

If you’re struggling to sleep, we’ve got certain simple rituals to calm a racing, overactive mind before bedtime. Anxiety and mental hyperactivity can add to your zzz woes, which is why it’s really important to relax your mind and body before snoozing.

A tranquil state of being positively impacts the quality and duration of your sleep (believe it or not!), so read on to learn how to relax your mind to sleep better.

How To Calm Your Mind Before Sleep

The internet abounds in tried-and-tested methods of relaxing your mind. If you want to learn how to relax your mind to sleep, read on for some super effective tips.

1) Put away your devices

Your body naturally releases the sleep hormone, melatonin, in response to darkness. Exposure to screens at night disrupt this pathway, resulting in poor quality sleep. Make your bedroom a screen-free zone or put away your smartphone an hour or two before bedtime (1). Don’t spend bedtime with your tablet or laptop – your body will keep you up, thanks to all the blue light you’re getting exposed to!

2) Practice good sleep hygiene

What is sleep hygiene? It’s when you build healthy habits during the day that positively contribute to your bedtime routine. When learning how to relax your mind before bed, remember that good sleep hygiene is absolutely essential. Your alcohol and coffee intake, exercise habits, diet, and overall stress levels, go a long way in making (or breaking) your snooze cycle. So take a moment and review the things you do on the daily, so that you can improve your sleep.

3) Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique

Based on the ancient yogic pranayama method, this breathing technique helps you fall asleep (2). Get into a comfortable meditation position, and inhale deeply through your nose while counting to four in your mind. Hold your breath and count to seven. Thereafter, exhale from your mouth while counting to eight. Repeat this process about four (or more) times. You’ll find yourself feeling relaxed and drowsy.

4) Maintain a consistent sleep schedule

When figuring out how to calm your mind to sleep, a good zzz schedule goes a long way in promoting deep slumber. Most of us don’t know this, but it’s really important to sleep and wake up at the same time every day (3). If your zzz cycle is out of order, and you just can’t get it back on track, try taking Setu’s Sleep: Relax Gummies at the same time every night. Our delicious gummies trigger a consistent, seamless sleep schedule with the help of powerful sleep ingredients, like melatonin and L-theanine.

5) Meditate to relax your mind

Meditation helps you relax your mind to sleep. It improves your relaxation response, slows down your heart rate, increases melatonin and serotonin production in your brain, and kick starts your body’s journey into slumber (4). Take a few minutes to practice mindfulness before bed or try a mobile app that offers meditation exercises, designed specifically for sleep.

6) Take a zzz supplement

When the zzz-ing gets tough, take a soothing, non-addictive sleep aid! Setu’s sleep solutions are a great place to start – each formula contains melatonin, along with a host of all-natural ingredients that nudge you into deep, restful sleep. The best part? Setu’s sleep range is non-addictive, non-habit forming, and super safe for daily use. We don’t have any sleep pills, and we offer only the safest, most gentle formulas for deep zzzs.

7) Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night?

Falling asleep is only one part of the process – staying asleep through the night is equally important. Many of us suffer from inconsistent or disturbed sleep that results in us waking up frequently through the night. If this is something you experience, here are some tips for sustained sleep.

Slow your heart rate: This is helpful for those who experience nightmares or bad dreams. When you wake up due to a nightmare, you’re likely to feel your heart pounding inside your chest. It’s best to take a few minutes to try and slow your heart rate down, which helps you relax and fall asleep.

Write it out: People prone to disturbed sleep should keep a notepad and pen by their beds. Scribble any stressful or negative thoughts that are keeping you up, and try gratitude journaling if that doesn’t work. Writing helps release stress and rest your mind (5).

Avoid checking your phone: If your goal is to fall asleep, make sure your room is dark and devoid of light. Keep the lights off and avoid picking up your cell phone to pass time. The blue light emanating from your screen can hamper your body’s melatonin production cycle, causing disturbed sleep.

Follow your normal sleep schedule the next day: Even if you’ve had a rough night with limited or disturbed sleep, avoid napping the next day or going to bed early. You might feel more tired than usual during the day but sticking to your bedtime will build your body’s natural appetite for sleep and help you sleep better when bedtime arrives.

Now that you have a better idea about how to relax your mind to sleep, practice these habits and improve your slumber. Setu’s wide range of sleep products, like our Sleep: Restore Magic Mints, Sleep: Sustain Capsules, and Sleep: Restore Strips, can be powerful tools in your arsenal of sleep aids. All of our products are made with high-quality and clinically-validated ingredients.


1) How long does melatonin take to work?

On average, it takes about 30 minutes for any melatonin supplement to take effect. This duration can go up to two hours, depending on your body’s physiology.

2) Can you build a tolerance to melatonin?

No, melatonin is not habit-forming. This means that you will not experience any feelings of dependency or withdrawal symptoms after taking melatonin supplements. You also cannot build a tolerance to it, meaning that you don’t need more of it as time goes on.

3) Are there side effects to melatonin?

Since melatonin is a sleep-aid, the biggest side effect of consuming it is sleepiness or drowsiness. However, overconsumption can cause more grave side effects like nausea, headaches, low blood pressure, and irritability. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after taking melatonin supplements, contact a medical professional immediately.

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