7 Points on When to Replace Your Running Shoes – Setu Nutrition icon
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Is It Time To Bid Farewell To Your Old Running Shoes?

The rush you get when you’re running is definitely worth waking up early every day. However, there are days when you should skip a run, especially, when your shoes have aged. Yes, it’s true – shoes can age too! They’re prone to wear and tear, hence tend to lose its bounce over time. Holding on to these old running shoes can cause serious injuries when running, besides being uncomfortable. Here’s to know when you should get new running shoes.

7 Signs You Should Change Your Running Shoes

Most running shoes have a specially designed sole with cushioning that takes the impact of each stride and gives you that bounce. However, with time this ability is weakened or lost as a result, you might injure yourself in the long run.

Here’s how you know when you should change running shoes:

  1. You feel discomfort while running and try to alter your running style to match the shoe
  • Foot Simplified
  1. When to replace running shoes? When You have minor or major aches and pains during and after the run that is unrelated to muscle soreness.- Foot
  2. Your shoes have run out, literally. If you’ve run 600 to 800 kms in thick soles or 400 to 500 kms in thin soles, that is when to change your running shoes.
  3. Your shoe size has changed. This could be due to weight change, chronic diseases like diabetes, changes in intensity, type and time of workout.
  4. Your shoe soles are worn out and wobbly – Old Shoes
  5. When should you change your running shoes? When There is no more bounce – Spring
  6. You find cracks and creases in the midsole – Cracks


  1. Tracking The Distance: Use a running app to learn how long your shoes have traveled, since the first run.
  2. Midsole Response: With your thumb check if the midsole feels tough rather than cushy. If it is the former, it’s time to go shopping
Elizabeth Bangera

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